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Looking for a new helmet?

пятница, 3 декабря 2010 г. @ 08:28

Motorcycle helmet alternative design

Ones in a while you need to have a look on your gear and assure you are wearing the best suitable for your personal safety and protection.  Helmets viagra not last for ever, and as I just fell over this design, I think the series of helmets will suit most motorcyclists.

The gear we wear reflects our personality, and are you a cosmopolitan, this might suit you.

Many bikers do not feel the freedom if wearing a helmet. This is now solved, so you can look after personal safety and not freeze your ears off.

Some like it hot -and why not?

I do not think this will add anything to road safety. But down at the café everybody will notice you crusing into the parking place.

Have a safe ride,

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