New design and functionslørdag den 30. november 2013 @ 15:56
We are pleased to announce that we now have launched our new web site design and some brand new functions. As Tourstart always listen to our users, and are in constantly contact with the users, we get a lot of information about new functions which will improve what it is all about - riding the motorcycle and get some good experiences. Intro pageWhat is Tourstart all about? Well, you know of course, but it might not be obvious for new users who visit Tourstart for the first time. Therefore we have made an introduction page, where users can read about Tourstart, and get an impression what we offer to our users. My pageOn "My Page" - which is your profile page - you will find a lot of new functions, which are all focusing on making it easier to establish social relations with other bikers, and hereby exchange more infomation about the good motorcycle rider. New functions:
Note: Due to we have made some changes on the design and now offer more personal functions, please check your own page to assure that only information you want to submit to the public are visable.
BikerBedMotorcycling is more than riding the motorcycle on a day ride. It is for sure also to get away on a multiple day journey and see new parts of the world - and to get some good food togehter with a nice place to stay. This is now possible, as the new function BikerBed is introduced. Here are some key issues regards the BikerBed:
MapNot only have we introduced our own maps, but we have also extended the map view on the main pages. Hereby you get a better overview when searching for an event, tour or make a new RidePlan. Please bear with usIt is a HUGE task to develop so many new functions, so there might be some bugs... Well, we are sure there are bugs. But, you can rest assured that we do our best to solve any problems as soon as we discove them. Then you might ask, why did we not test? Oh - that we have done, but it is simply not possible to test all functions properly before it is launced to all users. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you find some bugs or have ideas for improvement. Also you are welcome to mail us if you tell us what you think about the design and functions. |